SSC Member Election

In the LAUSD Strategic Plan for 2022-2026 under Pillar 3D it highlights the importance of honoring voice. We encourage you to make a difference in the governance of our school by participating in this year's School Site Council (SSC).

California Education Code 65000 identifies parents as one of the required groups of interest. Your input and voice is essential in supporting your child's school reaching the academic goals outlined in the School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA).

The School Site Council is the decision-making body that is responsible for the SPSA by ensuring its development, annual review, updates that outlines the academic programs, support services, and the federal funds that are used to improve academic performance of all students that are at risk of failing.

We will hold a Hybrid orientation and election meetings to facilitate participation for all who are interested in participating in SSC.

Please join us on the following in-person or via zoom on the following dates/times for the 2024-2025 orientations and elections meetings.